Sunday, October 19, 2008

Pixel Art: Skeleton Kings

This is some pixel art from an 8-Bit game I am currently developing. These badasses are Skeleton Kings. Game is about a robot in a maze full of skeletons.


  1. I'm excited about this game...
    you should share more with your readers about it... so you can get opinions other than mine.

  2. Dude, I love those!

    Is this for your snail game or something new? I agree, we need some progress reports on this puppy.

  3. The snail game is on infinite hiatus, but could possibly be revived in the future.

    No, the game that these guys are from is much, much cooler. I'll be posting some updates on it. Think of Pac-Man meets Legend of Zelda meets Robotron meets Gauntlet and you'll get an idea of what it's about. I probably won't be done with it until next year. Because I've decided to up the content significantly last night after implementing these Skeleton Kings into the game, the one on the left look awkward, I don't know if he'll make the final cut.

  4. Nice, I'm kinda reminded of Bokosuka Wars and Hydlide - in a good sense. :) I'm actually working on an iPhone/iPod Touch game my older brother's designing and programming myself, writing all the dialogue and in-game text, but it's still so early in design, I haven't blogged about it much yet. I'm expecting to have more to talk about in 2009, whether it gets released then or sometime in 2010.

  5. Btw dude i got into that 8bit killer game you suggested. its ok. kinda monotonous but it has some hard enemies so it isn't boring or anything. good call though its a great time waster

  6. 8Bit Killer review was planned next for the site, stop ruining everything!


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