Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Screenshots

Pretty self-explanatory but it's good to have text to go with blog posts. These are screenshots from Marvel vs. Capcom 3, the latest installment in a classic fighting series dating back to the ancient 90s.

The sprites we've grown to love because Capcom re-used them in every game are gone, replaced by strangely-smooth and shiny 3-D models. Oh well, looks good to me!

The new stream-lined fighting system should allow for easier game balance as well. Can't wait to play this.


  1. ZOMG Viewtiful Joe is gonna be in this one?!? Hells to the yes, i loved the first Viewtiful Joe game, the characters and the story are a lot of fun...and the gameplay and combo system was excepional...i might have to make this my first fighting game purchase since Soul Calibur IV

  2. Hmm, I didn't expect them to change the graphical style like this. Those backgrounds look amazing though!

  3. I had a go at this last week at my friends place. It was a bit beyond me... maybe I should stick with Body Blows :(

  4. Still haven't played it yet, how is it? what's it like? I haven't even read a player review...
