Friday, December 30, 2011

8-Bit City Is Kicking Ass

A fews days of vacation does a blogger good. I took a little time off over the holidays, but 8-Bit City is again functional. You might have noticed that from this morning's Centipede review, and if you haven't read it you can check it out anytime.

As the year comes to a close, I'm gearing up for the annual "Top 10 games" list. It's going to be tough deciding which games make the cut, but by tomorrow I should have the thing sorted out.

Thanks to all the readers, subscribers, emailers, commenters, and posters of 8-Bit City. It's almost been 4 years and the site continues to grow and traffic is at an all time high. Drop me a line and let me know what you'd like to see (or not see) on 8-Bit City in 2012!


  1. Hello there. I was wondering if you would like to exchange links (become affiliates). Here's my blog that does reviews, editorials, lists, etc.

  2. Sure, I linked to Super Phil Central. You've got quite a few posts, and it's nice to have another blog to subscribe to about 8-bit gaming. Link back to 8-Bit City?

  3. Definitely will do. Just one correction-- it's SuperPhillip Central. Could you fix that? Not meaning to be picky! :<

  4. no prob--fixed! sorry about that

  5. I love 8-bit games as much as you!! awesome post!!
