Monday, May 14, 2012

Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup Tengu Summoner

I had an awesome summoner going on Crawl this morning, If you don't know what Crawl is, that's cool--just check out these screenshots.

If your character dies in Crawl, it's done forever. It was a shame to loose this guy to a player ghost who hit for 50% of my HP. I found the book of Summonngs which really helped out, but I was only a level or two away from learning to summon demons.

Here I am still relying on Imps and scorpions...the combination actually hold up pretty well because of the low cost to cast both spells and the scorpions' deadly poison stacking. Summon Small Mammals is always a great summon spell for beefing the size of your army with weak meatshields. For 1 MP you can get 2 quokkas, and if the enemy is bashing the small mammals, they aren't destroying your Ugly Things.

Even 6 Yaks aren't much of a problem, although the battle lasted for several minutes. 

After getting the book of Summons, I could conjure these Ugly Things and Very Ugly Things which were great meatshields and damage dealers. A few could even take out a Death Yak.

These narrow passages are hell for a summoner; ideally you want to lure monsters into the open. 

Ice Beasts are nice companions, although they aren't as strong as Ugly Things. I've found that a diverse set of summons can often be very effective at dealing damage and working around monsters' strengths and weaknesses by providing a wide array of attacks and general confusion for the AI.

I would spend the next half hour killing these Death Yaks and nearly avoiding death several times. Eventually a player Ghost on the next dungeon floor took me down. It was an epic journey, and it ended too soon. Shortly before I died I #chardumped my data into a file which I will preserve below. You can see all of my character's attributes.

 Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup version 0.10.1-30-g593e17d character file.

Robot2600 the Convoker (Tengu Summoner)            Turns: 21015, Time: 02:42:31

HP  54/54        AC 15     Str  8      XL: 11   Next: 71%
MP  29/29        EV 11     Int 19      God: Makhleb [*****.]
Gold 323         SH  0     Dex 15      Spells:  8 memorised,  4 levels left

Res.Fire  : . . .   See Invis. : +    I - +5,+3 quarterstaff (chaos)
Res.Cold  : . . .   Warding    : . .  B - +3 leather armour of Folaeh {MR Acc+4 SInv
Life Prot.: . . .   Conserve   : .    (no shield)
Res.Acid. : . . .   Res.Corr.  : .    z - +0 cap
Res.Poison: .       Clarity    : .    J - +2 cloak
Res.Elec. : .       Spirit.Shd : .    d - +2 pair of dwarf gloves
Sust.Abil.: . .     Stasis     : .    (boots unavailable)
Res.Mut.  : .       Ctrl.Telep.: .    (no amulet)
Res.Rott. : .       Levitation : .    (no ring)
Saprovore : . . .   Ctrl.Flight: +    q - +3 ring of protection

@: very resistant to hostile enchantments, fairly stealthy
A: able to fly, beak, talons 3
a: Fly, Minor Destruction, Lesser Servant of Makhleb, Major Destruction, Greater
Servant of Makhleb, Renounce Religion

You are on level 11 of the Dungeon.
You worship Makhleb.
Makhleb is exalted by your worship.
You are not hungry.

You have visited 2 branches of the dungeon, and seen 12 of its levels.

You have collected 690 gold pieces.
You have spent 387 gold pieces at shops.


Hand weapons
 D - the -2,+3 sabre "Faut" {flame, SInv}
   (You found it on level 9 of the Dungeon)   
   It emits flame when wielded, causing extra injury to most foes and up to
   double damage against particularly susceptible opponents. Big, fiery blades
   are also staple armaments of hydra-hunters.
   It enhances your eyesight.
 I - a +5,+3 quarterstaff of chaos (weapon)
 d - a +2 pair of dwarven gloves (worn)
 z - a +0 cap (worn)
 B - the +3 leather armour of Folaeh (worn) {MR Acc+4 SInv}
   (You bought it in a shop on level 4 of the Dungeon)   
   It affects your accuracy (+4).
   It increases your resistance to enchantments.
   It enhances your eyesight.
 J - a +2 cloak (worn)
Magical devices
 l - a glowing bronze wand {zapped: 7} {tried by monster}
 r - a wand of digging (8)
 s - a wand of enslavement (5)
 y - a wand of random effects (20)
 G - a wand of digging
 L - an ivory wand
 M - a lead wand
 E - a beef jerky
 a - a scroll labeled CINGEO WEVESH {tried on cursed -1 robe}
 e - 4 scrolls of detect curse
 g - 5 scrolls of fear
 h - a scroll of identify
 i - a scroll of amnesia
 m - a scroll of random uselessness
 n - a scroll of fog
 u - 2 scrolls of magic mapping
 v - a scroll labeled NIER OWNELEQODGH
 H - 2 scrolls of teleportation
 K - 4 scrolls of remove curse
 q - a +3 ring of protection (left hand)
 f - a potion of might
 j - a potion of invisibility
 o - 3 potions of curing
 t - a potion of agility
 w - a potion of water
 C - 3 potions of heal wounds
 k - the Disquisition on Excruciating Cold
   (You found it on level 9 of the Dungeon)   
   Spells                             Type                      Level
   Throw Frost                        Conjuration/Ice              2
   Bolt of Cold                       Conjuration/Ice              6
   Metabolic Englaciation             Hexes/Ice                    6
 F - a book of Summonings   
   Spells                             Type                      Level
   Abjuration                         Summoning                    3
   *Recall                            Summoning/Translocation      3
   Summon Elemental                   Summoning                    4
   *Shadow Creatures                  Summoning                    5
   Summon Demon                       Summoning                    5
   *Summon Ugly Thing                 Summoning                    6

 - Level 2.1 Dodging
 - Level 2.0 Stealth
 - Level 11.1 Spellcasting
 + Level 15.5 Summonings
 - Level 6.0 Poison Magic

You have 4 spell levels left.
You know the following spells:

 Your Spells              Type           Power        Failure   Level  Hunger
a - Summon Small Mammals  Summ           #####        0%          1    None
b - Call Imp              Summ           #######...   1%          2    None
c - Call Canine Familiar  Summ           #######...   1%          3    None
d - Summon Scorpions      Pois/Summ      #######...   1%          4    Strawberry
e - Summon Ice Beast      Ice/Summ       ######....   3%          4    Strawberry
f - Summon Ugly Thing     Summ           #######...   1%          6    Honeycomb
g - Recall                Tloc/Summ      N/A          1%          3    None
h - Shadow Creatures      Summ           N/A          1%          5    Honeycomb

Dungeon Overview and Level Annotations

Dungeon (11/27)            Temple (1/1) D:4             Orc (0/4) D:7
  Lair: D:8-13      


D:4: [  D:11: !

                    Innate Abilities, Weirdness & Mutations

You can fly.
You have a beak for a mouth.
You have claws for feet.

Message History

You swap places.
You swap places.
Really walk into a travel-excluded area? 
Okay, then.
You swap places.
There is an open door here.
You start resting.
You are engulfed in freezing vapours.
Your white ugly thing is engulfed in freezing vapours.
Your white ugly thing is engulfed in freezing vapours.
Your white ugly thing is engulfed in freezing vapours.
You start resting.
Magic restored.
You start resting.
You start resting.
Your white ugly thing disappears in a puff of smoke!
You start resting.
HP restored.
Char dumped successfully.

.#    #...#.#...#.#%%§#.#
.#    #...#.#...#.#§§%#.#
.#    #...#.#...#.#§%§#.#
.#    #...#.#...#.#§§§#.#
.#    ##'##.##s##.##'##.#
.#     #.#...#.#...#.##.#
.#     #.#...#.#...#.#..#
.# #####'#####'#####'#.##
.#     #.#...#.#...#§#.##
.#     #.#...#.#...#§#..#
.#    ##'##.##'##.##§##.#
.#    #...#Z#...#.#§%§#.#
.#### #...#Z#...#.#§§§#.#
....# #...#5#...#.#§§.#.#

There are no monsters in sight!

Vanquished Creatures
  A human (D:11)
  A spriggan (D:7)
  A yak (D:11)
  A giant frog (D:6)
  A killer bee (D:10)
  A big kobold skeleton (D:10)
  A big kobold zombie (D:10)
  A crimson imp (D:10)
  2 hounds
  6 scorpions
  A jelly (D:10)
  An orc wizard (D:9)
  6 adders
  An iguana zombie (D:5)
  2 white imps (D:7)
  A worm (D:6)
  A bat skeleton (D:5)
  2 giant geckos
  3 oozes
  5 orcs
  A ball python (D:4)
  6 bats
  A grey rat (D:10)
  10 hobgoblins
  3 jackals
  2 quokkas
  3 giant cockroaches
  3 goblins
  A hobgoblin skeleton (D:7)
  6 kobolds
  13 rats
  16 ballistomycetes
  10 toadstools
114 creatures vanquished.

Vanquished Creatures (collateral kills)
  9 death yaks
  Pikel (D:6)
  6 hill giants
  Grinder (D:6)
  34 yaks
  Eustachio (D:4)
  A hungry ghost (D:10)
  A war dog (D:10)
  Menkaure (D:6)
  2 ice beasts (D:9)
  3 sky beasts
  A swamp drake (D:7)
  A yellow wasp (D:10)
  5 ogres
  4 orc warriors
  4 slaves (D:6)
  5 centaurs
  The ghost of AnalyticBranch the Shooter, an average HEHu (D:4)
  Sigmund (D:6)
  Duvessa (D:7)
  5 giant frogs
  A gnoll sergeant (D:10)
  A yellow wasp zombie (D:8)
  2 humans (D:11)
  A basilisk skeleton (D:10)
  8 killer bees
  A killer bee zombie (D:5)
  3 jellies
  A big kobold zombie (D:10)
  A goliath beetle (D:7)
  Dowan (D:7)
  A big fish (D:6)
  2 crimson imps
  Crazy Yiuf (D:5)
  6 orc priests
  A shadow (D:7)
  5 hounds
  6 worker ants
  4 iguanas
  2 gnoll shamans (D:10)
  8 orc wizards
  46 scorpions
  A deep elf soldier (D:9)
  4 sheep (D:11)
  2 mummies
  A goliath beetle zombie (D:10)
  17 gnolls (D:10)
  A green rat (D:4)
  A giant centipede (D:11)
  2 iguana skeletons
  6 adders
  An adder skeleton (D:7)
  An adder zombie (D:6)
  2 worms
  An ufetubus (D:4)
  A giant eyeball (D:11)
  2 giant geckos
  2 oozes (D:2)
  32 orcs
  4 giant cockroaches
  13 goblins
  11 hobgoblins
  18 jackals
  17 kobolds
  A ball python (D:4)
  9 bats
  7 giant newts
  A giant spore (D:10)
  A quokka (D:4)
  7 rats
  A rat zombie (D:7)
  13 ballistomycetes
  A fungus (D:9)
  2 toadstools
373 creatures vanquished.

Vanquished Creatures (others)
  6 very ugly things (D:11)
  A wizard (D:4)
  A wolf spider (D:11)
  11 ugly things
  A war dog (D:10)
  An orc warrior (D:11)
  A human (D:11)
  4 ice beasts
  An ogre (D:11)
  A sky beast (D:11)
  2 yak zombies (D:11)
  3 giant frog zombies
  A yellow wasp zombie (D:10)
  A warg (D:10)
  3 hounds
  37 crimson imps
  129 scorpions
  An orc priest (D:11)
  8 iron imps
  An elf zombie (D:7)
  20 shadow imps
  A sheep zombie (D:11)
  20 white imps
  32 grey rats
  A gnoll zombie (D:10)
  4 orcs
  22 bats
  A giant cockroach (D:11)
  A hobgoblin (D:11)
  6 jackals
  39 quokkas
  A giant gecko zombie (D:9)
  A giant newt zombie (D:2)
  8 giant spores
  2 jackal skeletons
  2 jackal zombies
  An orc skeleton (D:11)
  An orc zombie (D:10)
  30 rats
  2 ballistomycetes
  16 toadstools
425 creatures vanquished.

Grand Total: 912 creatures vanquished

Turn   | Place    | Note
     0 | D:1      | Robot2600, the Tengu Summoner, began the quest for the Orb.
     0 | D:1      | Reached XP level 1. HP: 10/10 MP: 3/3
    52 | D:1      | Reached skill level 5 in Summonings
   494 | D:1      | Reached XP level 2. HP: 15/15 MP: 5/5
   503 | D:1      | Learned a level 2 spell: Call Imp
  1449 | D:2      | Reached skill level 6 in Summonings
  1825 | D:2      | Reached XP level 3. HP: 19/19 MP: 1/6
  2385 | D:2      | Reached skill level 7 in Summonings
  2724 | D:3      | Found a burning altar of Makhleb.
  2728 | D:3      | Became a worshipper of Makhleb the Destroyer
  3059 | D:3      | Reached XP level 4. HP: 24/24 MP: 2/8
  3811 | D:4      | Found a shattered altar of Ashenzari.
  3826 | D:4      | Reached skill level 8 in Summonings
  4040 | D:4      | Found a staircase to the Ecumenical Temple.
  4074 | D:4      | Found Venaepp's Antique Armour Emporium.
  4142 | D:4      | Bought a faintly humming leather armour for 147 gold pieces
  4150 | D:4      | Identified the cursed +3 leather armour of Folaeh (You bought it in a shop on level 4 of the Dungeon)
  4199 | D:4      | Noticed Eustachio
  4232 | D:5      | Entered Level 5 of the Dungeon
  4318 | D:5      | Reached XP level 5. HP: 28/28 MP: 6/10
  4527 | D:5      | HP: 1/28 [centaur/arrow of flame (16)]
  4916 | D:5      | Learned a level 3 spell: Call Canine Familiar
  5188 | D:5      | Reached skill level 9 in Summonings
  5203 | D:5      | Acquired Makhleb's first power
  5242 | D:5      | Reached XP level 6. HP: 14/32 MP: 1/11
  5554 | D:5      | Noticed Crazy Yiuf
  5577 | D:5      | Killed Crazy Yiuf
  5905 | D:6      | Noticed Sigmund
  5950 | D:6      | Killed Sigmund
  5950 | D:6      | Reached skill level 10 in Summonings
  6046 | D:6      | Noticed Pikel
  6279 | D:6      | Found a glowing drain.
  6320 | D:6      | Killed Pikel
  6320 | D:6      | Reached XP level 7. HP: 36/36 MP: 0/17
  6327 | D:6      | Learned a level 4 spell: Summon Scorpions
  6349 | D:6      | Noticed Menkaure
  6366 | D:6      | Killed Menkaure
  6726 | D:6      | Noticed Grinder
  6751 | D:6      | Killed Grinder
  6751 | D:6      | Reached skill level 5 in Spellcasting
  7039 | D:6      | Reached XP level 8. HP: 6/41 MP: 12/20
  7477 | D:7      | Noticed Dowan
  7478 | D:7      | Noticed Duvessa
  7502 | D:7      | Killed Dowan
  7517 | D:7      | Killed Duvessa
  7778 | D:7      | Acquired Makhleb's second power
  8281 | D:7      | Your ally Dowan died
  8670 | D:7      | Found a staircase to the Orcish Mines.
  9399 | D:7      | Learned a level 4 spell: Summon Ice Beast
  9856 | D:4      | Killed Eustachio
  9979 | D:4      | Found a bloodstained altar of Trog.
  9979 | D:4      | Noticed a terrified wizard
  9986 | D:4      | Killed a terrified wizard
 10096 | Temple   | Entered the Ecumenical Temple
 10175 | D:4      | Noticed AnalyticBranch's ghost (average HEHu)
 10196 | D:4      | Killed AnalyticBranch's ghost
 10514 | D:5      | Acquired Makhleb's third power
 10645 | D:5      | Reached XP level 9. HP: 45/45 MP: 16/24
 11129 | D:8      | Found a bloodstained altar of Trog.
 11750 | D:9      | Reached skill level 1 in Poison Magic
 12173 | D:9      | Got a shimmering sabre
 12174 | D:9      | Identified the sabre "Faut" {flame, SInv} (You found it on level 9 of the Dungeon)
 12590 | D:9      | Reached skill level 5 in Poison Magic
 12694 | D:9      | Got a blackened book
 12695 | D:9      | Identified the Disquisition on Excruciating Cold (You found it on level 9 of the Dungeon)
 13586 | D:10     | Entered Level 10 of the Dungeon
 14192 | D:10     | Reached XP level 10. HP: 48/50 MP: 1/26
 14368 | D:10     | Reached skill level 11 in Summonings
 14701 | D:10     | Acquired Makhleb's fourth power
 15045 | D:10     | Reached skill level 12 in Summonings
 15587 | D:10     | Learned a level 6 spell: Summon Ugly Thing
 15591 | D:10     | Learned a level 3 spell: Recall
 16444 | D:11     | Found Gizizaf's Distillery.
 16452 | D:11     | Bought a potion of curing for 30 gold pieces
 16452 | D:11     | Bought a potion of heal wounds for 45 gold pieces
 16452 | D:11     | Bought a potion of heal wounds for 45 gold pieces
 16452 | D:11     | Bought a potion of heal wounds for 45 gold pieces
 16452 | D:11     | Bought a potion of heal wounds for 45 gold pieces
 16452 | D:11     | Bought a potion of curing for 30 gold pieces
 16659 | D:11     | Reached skill level 10 in Spellcasting
 16707 | D:11     | Learned a level 5 spell: Shadow Creatures
 17181 | D:11     | Reached XP level 11. HP: 54/54 MP: 3/29
 17355 | D:11     | Acquired Makhleb's fifth power
 18419 | D:11     | Reached skill level 13 in Summonings
 19594 | D:11     | Reached skill level 14 in Summonings
 20037 | D:11     | Reached skill level 15 in Summonings

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