Monday, January 7, 2013

Rare Minecraft Alpha Screenshots

I found these two old screenshots on a blog that Minecraft developer "Jeb" used for only 6 days last year. They show off alpha builds of an NPC village (with buildings which differ from the current NPV village incarnation) and what looks to be an early Jungle Temple. Very sick indeed. Click the pictures for the HD versions.

Also, don't forget about the new Minecraft server which I am helping to OP. If you want to play a McMMO server with lots of awesome RPG-style plugins then leave a comment with some contact info or email me and ask for the server. It's a small server and not really open to the general public (i.e. not going to be posted on Planet Minecraft of GameFAQs or anything, but the 8bc community is small enough that anyone from here is okay to play).


  1. Hey, would you mind turning your Minecraft server into a cracked one as well? I dearly want to play on it. -Adriano

  2. Alpha Minecraft PlayerJanuary 29, 2014 at 7:06 PM

    Mushroom blocks didn't exist in Alpha.

  3. Alpha Minecraft PlayerJanuary 29, 2014 at 7:09 PM

    Oh, and stone bricks didn't exist in Alpha Minecraft either. Nor did snow, or pine/spruce trees. These were recent photos. They changed the design of the NPC villages.
