Thursday, April 18, 2013

Ultima: Exodus NES Box Scans

I love NES box art and the copy text on the back. Ideally, we'd all own complete in box sets of all the games we love, but its a damn naer impossible (and expensive dream). Especially since I bought Ultima 3 for 4 bucks from a friend who hated it. At the time I wanted to play Ultima Online, but 15 bucks a month was out of the question for my 7th grade hobo self. Nevertheless, Exodus remains one of my favorite games of all time and like a fine, cliched wine it gets better with aged cheese. Yes. That'll do pig. That'll do.

The box boasts 100 hours of gameplay. You just can't get that kind of quality shit for 4 bucks these days.


  1. On top of wanting a VC release for this on the Wii U along with the other Ultima NES and SNES releases and the Gameboy ones on the 3DS - for what they were, the Runes of Virtue games were certainly fun, the SNES version of False Prophet was pretty faithful (Just recalled that I have the cart for that around too), and the other more action RPG oriented adaptations were decent. The Savage Empire SNES remake sadly stayed in Japan, though.

    And classic box art here makes me wish Nintendo'd take some cues from this guy's video - - and give us a full box art collection on the 3DS and U for all our VC games.

  2. Can't help but grin as I see this box art. So my dad got this for me for Christmas, and it was probably my first RPG ever. I can't really think of another one, certainly not one of this scope, that I got to play before this - but I sunk a ton of time into this one and loved it.

  3. Nintendo don't give a shit about anything, and would view the box art as "embarrassing." We'd have updated bland artwork and re-translated copy text. xD

    On a personal level I've had it w/ them as a company. They never came up with a good solution to playing games off your SD card for fear of piracy which was already rampant b/c people can hack anything. They stopped the Wii VC even though they could just provided it for both the Wii and Wii U. They held back on Earthbound just to try to sell more Wii Us (and I own the EB cart, so it never really was a huge deal for me, but I understand other gamers' pain). They made it hell for indie developers to release games on their system, they released a laughable amount of memory in the Wii, which should have had 8 gigs of flash memory instead of 512 megs, with about 300 megs as usable. They nonsensically priced Turbo games at 600 (I still bought about 12-15), priced Turtles at 600, took down some good games and that's just VC gripes.

    Online was garbage, friend codes are garbage, but workable, yet they limit you to 64 friends per game in AC and others too I'm sure.

    Skyward Sword was garbage, and had absolutely NO exploration factor. You had to return to the same areas 3-4 times for HOURS, and the entire game felt like you were banging your head on an anvil.

    They are incapable of telling a story because they take their own mythology too seriously. Don't fucking act like the Zelda story is fucking Shakespeare, it's the same goddamn story as the last 12 Zelda games. Shit was Epic up through the N64, now it's played out. (Twilight Princess is amazing, however).

    They can't make a challenging game.

    They can't ever change up games in a risky way because they fear public outrage. Why can't Link get a real suit of armor? Why can't we get an RPG system like in Zelda 2 back? Why can't Nintendo's game worlds actually be BIG and explorable.

    Why did SS:BB online only have a 2-minute mode option? Why couldn't we talk to other players? Why did I have to wait, LITERALLY 30+ minutes to get in a match at times.

    Why did Mario become a Disney character? Why was Super Mario Galaxy so bad. Why was it's "castle" a piece of shit?

    How can SM64 and Ocarina/MM be so much better than everything on the Wii?

    Why release the 3DS at all? Why couldn't NSMB get some sequels on the DS and Wii, those are the gamers they made the series popular. (I readily admit, NSMB on the Wii is amazing).

    BUT, why couldn't Peach be playable? Why does every game have to still involved saving a Princess? If I had a daughter I'd be pretty damn skeptical about letting her play all these games which teach girls that they are the "ball" in the "sport" of gaming.

    Why can't Zelda be playable too? It's fuckin' insulting to women. Even a game like Super Meat Boy switches it up and has Bandage Girl rescue Meat Boy in the end.

    The "rescue the princess" trope can be excused in older games because it is what it is, but it's obviously time to move past that shit.

    Nintendo won't move on? That's fine b/c I already have. PC games ftw. Also just bought a PSP, so I'll spend the next gen on Steam/WoW/Minecraft and playing all the PSP games I never got to :D

  4. See, I have an okay feeling toward Nintendo still... but they are lacking in a lot of areas - most of which you addressed. The online strategy has been a joke forever. Luckily I haven't had the same issues with the VC, but I still have most of my old consoles and games (NES, SNES, N64, Gameboys, SMS, Genesis/Sega CD, Saturn, etc).

    But for my RPG's, the DS and PSP have had a lot to offer over the last few years. I'm hoping to see some good old RPG's on the Vita going forward too.

    Skyward Sword... see, here's the thing on Zelda games. I honestly haven't played through them since the first two. no idea why, always mean to, and I loved Zelda and Adventures of Link, but just never really got into the others. We have Skyward just chilling out on the shelf. My younger two enjoy it, but it hasn't caught my eye really yet.
