Monday, May 27, 2013

8-Bit Random Access Memories Medly and Hi-Res Discover Wallpaper

Joe Jeremiah plays the best melodies from Daft Punk's new Random Access Memories on a chiptune synthesizer.

Also, check out that image, it's a Hi-Res Daft Punk Discovery Wallpaper.

Random Access Memories is an awesome album. I have been listening to it since it launched on May 20th. I hope they keep making albums for a very long time, because they really are some of the best musicians alive. You might read a lot of reviews, a lot of hype and bashing. Plenty critics praise the album as the best shit since OK Computer, others lament the album as a self-indulgent, disco-nostalgic, pile of trite trash nonsense.

The album is so obviously good, however, that most criticisms will likely take the form of a reviewer bringing his or her preconception about what the album should be to the table (i.e. everyone wanted a new Discovery). The album is what it is, and it is (1) unique. (2) It's a success at sounding awesome. (3) It tells a good story, about dance music, and asking any more from an artist is asking far too much.

1 comment:

  1. "because they really are some of the best musicians alive"

    You mean they're Dream Theater too?
