Tuesday, July 1, 2014

What could this be?

It's a teaser screenshot.


  1. ... a new game? Please say YES :D

  2. I can't wait to see what this will be!


  3. Hey 8 Bit City,

    Can I interest you in a link exchange?

    I'm the webmaster of superluigibros.com - let me know on luke AT classic-mario dt net.


  4. YES, it is a new game.

    And while it's not Skeletronic... in some ways it is the fulfillment of both Skeletronic and Ultimate RPG.

    Skeletronic wasn't designed to be a full RPG, and honestly many of the ideas got rolled into Star Quest.

    Ultimate RPG started as an Ultima clone, but I lost the main file and got a bit discouraged for a while.

    This game is called "Big Easy Sleazy" and it's a console-style RPG+Roguelike hybrid. It is set in a fake 1985 New Orleans. I was planning a big post, but I'll go ahead and just talk about it here. You pick a character/profession combo (currently there are 9 characters and 9 starting professions, with plans for even more.)

    Character classes are not always your typical fantasy fair...

    '80s Guy - Uses guns and sleaze to fight his way through the city.

    Mantis - Giant praying mantis that can not equip most of the awesome gear in the game, but gains insect powers like Acid Spit and Summon Swarm.

    Zard 3 - A Pro Wrestler who deals tremendous damage. Suplex and Backbreak your enemies.

    Warlock - Wield unholy demon magic.

    Doctor - Use nanomachines and drugs to heal your team. Clone dead teammates and bring them back to life.

    Necromancer - An undead skeleton who can, in turn, summon even more skeletons to fight his battles.



    Currently there are almost 200 unique items in the game, and they can be found in briefcases around the town.

    Most briefcases have a 50/50 chance of spawning in any given game -- requires risk vs reward calculations and preventing "perfect" runs.

    Collect Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle action figures from Gachopons (capsule machines) in the style of Shenmue!


    Roguelike Elements

    -Permadeath if your party is wiped out
    -Randomized dungeons. But not totally random. You will face similar versions of maps, somewhat similar to Diablo 2. Some maps may only have a few versions, others have over 1024 possible configurations.
    -Huge city with at least 100 buildings you can actually enter.
    -BRIEFCASES are the Treasure Chests of Big Easy Sleazy, they can all drop any item in the game, with an equal chance of a dropping a lowly soda or the coveted Plate Armor.


    Computers and Chemistry

    Chemistry sets can be used to perform advance transmutations (i.e. turn a tooth into a skeleton or an eye into a swarm of frogs that will fight by your side). But you have to know chemistry first...

    Terminals can be used by a knowledgable hacker to do everything from



    Executive - Start with all the cold, hard cash you need. But nothing else.

    Psycho - Start with a huge random selection of gear for a unique game.

    Chemist - Start with knowledge of advanced transmutations and a chemistry set in your apartment.

    Chef - Start with the Couteau and Apron, solid items that almost anyone can equip. Also begin with more food than you can eat and your very own soda machine.

    Entomologist - Begin the game with some Mantis and Ant eggs, which you can grow into deadly soldiers.

    Also play as a Knight, King, Hacker, Gangster...and more!


    7 days to live

    You only have 7 days to live in the "Big Easy." If you sleep in a bed to revive a character, you will lose a day. If all days are gone, you lose. If you clean up the city before then, you win.

    Some Chemistry transmutations may require an entire day.

    If you spend too much time on a computer you might waste a day playing an addicting video game!


    You can collect as many heros as you can, but only 4 can fight at once. If your battle party dies, it's game over.

    I can't wait to show off more, I'll try to get a video of the current build up sometime soon.
