Monday, August 18, 2014

Atari Space Invaders

Just got back from a week at the beach. I brought my Flashback 2 with me, and played some Pitfall and Missile Command while recovering from sun, mini-golf, and Gulf Coast fishing. However, the one game I really wanted to play the entire time was Atari Space Invaders. 

I packed my laptop. I packed 3 Atari controllers. I packed the USB-to-Atari dongle. Certainly Stella was already loaded on this computer. It wasn't. Surely the cabin wifi would work. It didn't (and, also, it didn't matter).

Now I'm back and I've already raided Ice Crown Citadel (see: Warld of Worcorft) and I'm going to binge on a few hours of Space Invaders. Check it out on if you're awake.

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