Yes, a brand-new release of The Atomic Knight, the new trendy underground ASCII arcade adventure game I created!
New features include:
-Badass color options to suit any and all tastes!
-New intuitive interface
-Options Menu (also at death screen!)
-Color Menu (also at death screen!)
-Quit option
-Fixed a bug which caused the Game Over screen to get skipped
-Powerups (4,8,X) now give 500k points
-Trolls now give 1000+(0-99999) points
Download The Atomic Knight Beta 3.0
With the release of Beta 3.0, I can look back on the last two weeks of development. What began as a simple project in QBASIC a month ago (with the A walking around) I shifted the focus to C++ about 10 days ago. Sitting alone in an abandoned classroom, I programmed the concept that would become the Atomic Knight in 2 hours on my laptop.
Over the last week my free time has been divided between reading Emerson, Thoreau, and The Atomic Knight. Enjoy the game! Use your imagination!
it's cool, but
its hard... i never get very far...
Use more 8Lasers, also, try the following settings:
10-Troll Chaos
40+Troll Spawn Chaos (less Trolls)
Building density 1
Ammo density 8
Ammo quantity 1000 for each
(Colors, I prefer 4e and Black on white)
Those T's can be damn brutal :)
Also, use the buildings to your advantage to make little "forts"
Don't fire in a straight line, walk back and forth firing each time, this will kill many more trolls.
On the same note, try alternating between the 4laser and the 8laser, or the 8laser and Xlaser.
Finally, if you do this: 8, walk, 8, walk, 8, walk, 8, walk, 8, walk,etc. you should be able to walk around and never die.
Hope these tips help!
they did! its a lot more fun now!
kind of addicting, too... in a sick, i-should-be-doing-my-homework-but-i-must-destroy-all-Ts kind of way
the real challenge is not destroying the power ups... hmm
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